rienda General Manager


Baroque evaluates performance—every member adds to the brand’s strength

I joined Baroque Japan in the year rienda was launched. I had no experience in fashion but was attracted to the company’s fresh potential. Since the organization was smaller back then, I was involved in various projects in all of the different teams. This flexible structure was the key to building unity between the members. Our mindset hasn’t changed since.

One event remains etched in memory. We had set sales targets that were seemingly unreachable, and yet the Shibuya and Osaka shops achieved them. All credit goes to the staff members, who poured their wholehearted efforts into enhancing the rienda brand value. I also thank the company for entrusting us young employees with big-budget events and the planning of sales promotions.

Baroque Japan evaluates performance and results. It offers great opportunities for people with a passion for their job. I look forward to working with new members in their 20s determined to charge ahead in their career.

  • ※ Position as of April 2016
