Our IR basic policy is to disclose important information related to our company to all stakeholders, including shareholders and investors, in a timely and appropriate manner. We also proactively disclose other information in addition to material facts, sincerely listen to everyone’s opinions, and reflect these in our IR activities.
We disclose information promptly, accurately and fairly, in accordance with the law and Tokyo Stock Exchange regulations. We also proactively disclose any information which we deem to be useful for the purpose of understanding our company.
We disclose information corresponding to timely disclosure regulations in accordance with such regulations through the Timely Disclosure Network (TDnet), provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Information which is not covered by regulations is disclosed promptly on our website.
Some of the information we disclose includes forward-looking statements which are based on specific assumptions. As these contain uncertain elements, such as changes in economic trends and market circumstances, actual business contents and performance may differ from those initially forecasted. Please take this point into consideration when reviewing our results and enterprise value. Also, this website is not provided for the purpose of soliciting investment. We ask that you use your own judgment when making investment decisions.
In order to prevent the leakage of important corporate information and to ensure fairness, we observe a quiet period. Please note that during this time, we refrain from making comments or answering questions regarding business prospects or results.
We observe this quiet period from the last day of the settlement term to the announcement day of the results.