Sustainability Related Targets

Based on the calculation results of CO₂ emissions, we have set the following sustainability-related Targets.

(1) Manufacturing without over-producing

  • Zero final remaining inventory disposal, zero incineration (FY2030)

(2) Reduction of CO₂ emissions

  • SCOPE 1, 2 : Reduce CO₂ emissions by 50% by 2030 (compared to FY2021)
  • SCOPE 3 : Reduce CO₂ emissions per item of clothing by 20% by 2030 (compared to FY2021)

(3) Effective use and reuse of resources/realization of earth-friendly production

  • Raise the proportion of clothing made from environmentally friendly materials to 50% or more by FY2030 (number of products)

From now on, we will implement various measures to achieve our goals.